Private Home Tuition


Home Tuition Service in Klang

Hi, my name is xxx xxx xxx, 34 years old. I am a Secondary School Teacher . Currently work as Part-Time Tutor.

My highest qualifications is Bachelor Degree of Applied Sciences (Applied Statistics). I have been giving home tuition for more than 13 years. Part-Time Tutor. My available timing is Evening.

I am located in Klang. I can teach

UPSR - Mathematics
PT3 - Mathematics,Chinese
SPM - Mathematics,Additional Mathematics
IGCSE - Mathematics,Additional Mathematics,Statistics
A-Level - Mathematics,Further Mathematics,Statistics
Others - Basic IT

The locations that I cover is Klang, . .

My slogan is: A simple teacher who loves learning, sharing & teaching, Sir Loh Chee Hoo.

More informations about the tutor:

(2011) Started my career as a part-time mathematics tutor-------(2012-2013) Teaching upper form pure sciences & mathematics, mandarin & history in my old school, Penang Chung Ling High School as a substitute teacher-------(2014-2015) Joined Teach For Malaysia & teach in SMK Pendamaran Jaya as a TFM Fellow as well as a DG41 teacher-------(2014) Chosen by ASTRO AEC to be one of the mandarin teacher to share teaching stories in the TV program -------(2015) Became a columnist in China Press-------(2015) Selected by SMK Pendamaran Jaya to get the "Anugerah Guru Penyayang" & "Anugerah Cemerlang Ko-kurikulum" -------(2015) Voted by Teach for Malaysia Fellows from 2014 Cohort to get "The Most Enthusiastic Fellow" award & "The Most Likely to Become a School Principal" award-------(2016) Officially posted in SMK Pendamaran Jaya, Port Klang as a DG41 secondary school teacher teaching both upper form mathematics & mandarin & being appointed as general secretary of PT3.

More informations about me
(2011) Started my career as a part-time mathematics tutor-------(2012-2013) Teaching upper form pure sciences & mathematics, mandarin & history in my old school, Penang Chung Ling High School as a substitute teacher-------(2014-2015) Joined Teach For Malaysia & teach in SMK Pendamaran Jaya as a TFM Fellow as well as a DG41 teacher-------(2014) Chosen by ASTRO AEC to be one of the mandarin teacher to share teaching stories in the TV program -------(2015) Became a columnist in China Press-------(2015) Selected by SMK Pendamaran Jaya to get the "Anugerah Guru Penyayang" & "Anugerah Cemerlang Ko-kurikulum" -------(2015) Voted by Teach for Malaysia Fellows from 2014 Cohort to get "The Most Enthusiastic Fellow" award & "The Most Likely to Become a School Principal" award-------(2016) Officially posted in SMK Pendamaran Jaya, Port Klang as a DG41 secondary school teacher teaching both upper form mathematics & mandarin & being appointed as general secretary of PT3. .

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